It's Sunday in Strasbourg. In other words, it's the day when there is nothing to do, no one around and motivation to write essays is at its very lowest. And this sunday there isn't even a basketball match...
It has been an interesting few weeks since I last wrote. The Christmas holidays already feel like a distant blur, all too soon passed, the faces that became so familiar once again begin to feel far away. It was so fabulous to spend time with old school friends, something I realise I have not taken advantage of enough in the past. It was particularly special to be able to spend lots of time with some of the people who know me best (Mark, Mandie...) and to get used to the home comforts of an open fire and a wool carpet and the smiles of my family. At the same time, this holiday was the first time I went 'home' and didn't feel like I was 'home', it was such a strange feeling and its so hard to explain. It will always be my home, but I felt like a was staying, not living there, which I guess is true. Perhaps years abroad make us so used to being away that being back becomes the foreign part. All I know is that it was great to go home, but it was also nice to be back.
Since then two weeks were spent revising....2 weeks is not even a long time but it felt like FOREVER. Maybe its not living with people who have exams that makes the experience seem so isolating, or perhaps it is the first lot of Science Po exams that are just hard, but it did feel like a lot of effort. I have worked in the Parliament again, an interesting week with nothing particularly controversial but enough to keep me busy, spent a weekend in Germany with the MEU organisors followed by a week at Uni. Wow, that means I have already been back a month. How time flies.
I was looking at the plans for the rest of the year, and what with MEU, Stras weeks and holidays, I only have 7 weeks of uni!! Not good, I really should start trying to learn what the lecturers are going on about. It'll all work out.
The departure of many Erasmus students, and particularly the wonderful Jess Bethom, has changed the dynamic of Strasbourg- it has become more foreign as that comfort blanket of a good friend from home is no longer a physical reality. I'll get used to it, but I have missed our tea and toast moments. We do, however, have our fourth year house sorted- there will be tea, cake and Desperate Housewives to our hearts content :) And rabbits. End of.
O and speaking of exciting- Frances is coming to visit me!!! Eeeek! This will be a Span reunion like no other. Happy happy times. And I have my flights to Spain for the summer booked and Brazil is nearly sorted, life is exciting. Well at least the future is, even if some days seem a little less than.
I still have one day left to say Happy New Year, so happy new year! Here's hoping 2011 is a year of adventure, good health, friendship and fun.
Sending you lots of love xxx